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The Mapuche Organizations of Santiago declare to the national and international public opinion that the repressive activities which the institutions of the Chilean government develop against the Mapuche communities must stop, therefor we: 1, Support the actions of our communities and those who fight for the recovery of stolen land and the reconstruction of the ancestral Territory. We firmly believe that the Mapuche people and its culture only will survive through returning our historical territorial land. 2, Denounce the terrible facts that happened in the Commune of Tirúa, Province of Arauko, VIII region on Tuesday 15 of May, where four of our brothers: Juan Liempi Marihuen, Abel Marihuen Huenupil, Domingo Marihuen Marihuen and Hernan Albornoz Carilao, were violently attacked with firearms by the Chilean police. 3, Reject the terrorist and criminal policy of the government, which is responsible for the militarization of the zones in conflict, assaults, systematic arrest and physical violence in order to intimidate the Mapuche communities. 4, We understand and we justifie our brothers attitude of not welcoming the impositions of the judicial system, because the legality of this law. Throughout history our people have suffered the loss of territory to the Chilean State and its economic interest, therefore being forced into oppression. 5, We firmly believe that neither the repression nor the racism of these Institutions will stop our communities. By voicing our opinion the people of the Mapuche territory come together and express the dignity of the whole nation. 18 of May 2001 Mapuche organizations of Santiago, Chile. Translation by: Mapuche Foundation FOLIL, The Netherlands. |