The last days of Michelle Bachelet’s social-fascist Presidency, has seen an increasing force of repression unto the Mapuche territories in conflict.
A historic conflict created by the Chilean State since its establishment, when Bernado O’Higgins (known as the forefather of Chile) through a dirty decree, annexes Mapuche territory to the Chilean Constitution, behind the backs of the Mapuche Nation. This happens in 1881, and would be the beginning of the legal plunder of an independent, sovereign nation.
Later on in 1881, the Chilean State initiates the so-called “Pacification of Arauco” that was none other than the armed invasion of Mapuche Territory, which ended in the massacre and murder of more than half of its population. The rest were cornered and were forced to submit by the Cross and the Sword to accept the institutions, culture and religion of the Chilean State.
That is how Chile was established; robbing usurping and murdering. That is how the genocide and the plunder of a millennial Nation took place. However, they were not able to conquer them yesterday and today the Mapuche People rise up strong with a new generation of men, women, and children that try to save the last breath of that beautiful dream that was the reconstruction of their Nation, with much strength and dignity. That is why today’s struggle is of such importance, and the reason for the oppressor’s cruelty.
Today, the repression unleashed against the Mapuche communities has been brutal on the part of Chilean police forces, who have vented their anger against a defenseless population. Men, women, and children have in their mind, as well as on their bodies, the marks of the horror lived through the raids, the image of helicopters, tanks, and the merciless shots that event the youngest had received.
Cowards, murderers and thieves – those are their characteristics. Waged mercenaries are their price. Servants of the Estate lords and of capital; obedient dogs of a vile government that has made corruption, murder, extreme persecution to the youth, set-ups, jail and torture into their law.
Never before since the military dictatorship has a government used such high levels of militarization and State terrorism against Mapuche communities and its own population.
The responsibility that falls on the Chilean State and its maximum representative, President Michelle Bachelet, in these racist and fascist-like acts are serious, and cannot be erased by the corrupt poll ratings made by neo-liberal capital; nor can it be erased by those who sell themselves for the scrap government bonuses or government community projects. The deaths of the Mapuche youth, 22 year old Matías Catrileo Quezada in January 2008, 24 year old Jaime Mendoza Collío this past August, both cowardly murdered by Chilean Special Police officers by a gunshot to the back, and Alex Lemun who was barely 17 years old and died to a gun shot to the head in November 2002 when Bachelet was Defense Minister in yet another corrupt government led by Ricardo Lagos, will always be present in and outside of Mapuche communities. She will never be able to escape the title she has earned: MURDERER.
There are no last minute laws that can be enacted to remedy what has been done. There could be no apology given to a Nation when their children are taken and murdered so cowardly and coldly. There is only one solution, and it is very simple: OUT OF MAPUCHE TERRITORY AND FREEDOM FOR ALL THE MAPUCHE POLTICAL PRISONERS!
The Women's Coordinating Committee Chile-Canada
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