April 2017
Waikil: Music is Territory in Resistance - Free Wallmapu (MapucheLand)
Mapuche Hip Hop Music Tour in Europe

WAIKIL, Rap Mapuche MC, member and founder of the Indigenous Mapuche music band Wechekeche ñi Trawün, one of first Mapuche youth band in Chile who became known by using Rap, Hip Hop and other modern beats on their native tongue, The Mapudungun (The voice of the land).

Their most popular song became "Liberar al Mapuche por Luchar"
(Free the Mapuche from their struggle).


His music on soundcloud:

Today Waikil is working on its own and first album of Mapuche Rap also known as WITRAL.

Waikil Mapuche Rap Music

On April 2017 WAIKIL will bring Indigenous Mapuche Hip Hop music from Chile to Europe.

Paris, France
Friday, April 7 - Tokata - Fiesta Latina Sans Frontières / Rap Mapuche.
Le Chinois

Saturday April 8 - Concert and lecture "Rap Mapuche, Resistance and Oral Tradition".
Musée de l'Homme (Museum of Man)

Hamburg, Germany
Thursday April 13, Wetruwe Mapuche Conversation, "Mapuche People, Identity in Resistance". International Center B5

Saturday April 15, Concert "Mapuche en Resistencia".
Lobusch Autonomous Center

Milan, Italy
Friday, April 21, "Mapuche People, Culture and Anticapitalist Resistance", Documentary and Dinner.
Cantiere Social Center

Saturday 22 April, Concert "Hip Hop Live Mapuche".
Cantiere Social Center

Music is Territory in Resistance - Free Wallmapu

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